Arctic fox facts, news and information. Facts on minks, baby seals among other precious animals killed for fur.
The arctic fox is known as the white fox and polar fox. There are two different color types, the white fox & blue fox. Both color types are from the same species. Did you know foxes are related to dogs, wolves & coyotes?
In 1997 arctic fox populations were estimated at a few hundred thousand. They are extremely threatened in Norway, Sweden, Finland & Kola.
Cold facts & secrets we are not suppose to know about. How foxes and other animals are being bred and raised, only to be tortured & killed on fur farms. The next few paragraphs are disturbing, but it wouldn't be fair to ignore the harsh reality, so I included them. If you'd prefer not to read the cold facts, please skip the next two paragraphs.
On these fur farms, young foxes (7 to 8 months old) are electrocuted, by an electrode placed in the foxes mouth and rectum. The foxes are awake for a few minutes & sometimes don't die right away, this procedure is then repeated.
Minks that live on breeding farms, are killed by lethal injection or gassed. They also die at a very young age. For more information, click on the links below.
In the past decades, many animals have been drove to the point of extinction for fur. The sea mink & Falkland Island Fox, are now gone & lost forever.
Won't you please help end the daily suffering, torture & inhumane treatment of these animals? Just click @ Humane Society & Campaigns below. Also, it's not just wildlife being slaughtered. Mans best friend is being picked on too.1 million cats & dogs are killed yearly internationally for fur, etc.
Below are some of my other sites to check out, such as Arctic Wolf , their constant fight for survival. To check out facts on Endangered Wolves, {click @ Grey Wolf Facts.} Trouble In Paradise, is a relatively new site, about many professional people telling us honestly, what is really going on in our world. {Click @ A Chaotic World} to get all the latest news & important information, that the Main Stream Media rarely talks about. {If ever.}
For more information on foxes visit:
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